Workgroup Information Transportation Infrastructure for Economic Development

Long Term Outcome:

Efficient transportation system for movement of goods, servcies and people within the region and providing access to global markets.

Work Plan Tasks

Description Deliverable Timeframe
Convene stakeholder groups and T&EDI Working Groups in each county to support and drive regional planning process Meetings of each committee in each county September, 2012 - November 2013
Assemble all existing plans in both counties for use in inventory and policy direction Full assemblage and posting of existing plans September, 2012
Determine the infrastructure needs and options for filling gaps/modernizing assets infrastructure identified; prioritized; capital needs estimated November, 2012
Assemble regional plan using data and policy elements to address Sensible Transportation Policy Act and Growth Management Law Regional plan that can be adopted by individual municipalities to address requirements of both statutes November, 2013
Prioritize investments based on increased access to global markets Recommended infrastructure support options vetted and prioritized by committee March, 2013
Integration/coordination across and among transportation and economic development initiatives within each county  Regional Plan that integrates transportation with economic development needs of entire region November, 2013
Coordinate transportation policy with available sustainable transportation technology Inclusion of high efficiency and alternative transportation options in regional plan elements March - November, 2013