Sustainable Housing in Washington County Sustainable Housing in Washington County

Addressing Housing in Washington County through Public/Private Partnerships?

The Sustainable Housing Work Team has discussed and documented an enormous gap between the need for housing (repair, energy retrofit, upgrade, and new) and the very low amount of funding available to adddress the need. As noted further in Housing Challenges/Housing Responses the work team has estimated conservatively that only 5% of the documented need can be addressed by the funds available across all public programs (download working document describing this funding gap here: MS Excel format).

During the July 9th, 2013 Work Team meeting architect Mike Sealander presented a premise is that there is “money in the system” that a public-private partnership could use to solve some the housing and energy issues facing Washington County. His presentation materials can be downloaded here. Note – the specific numbers in Mike’s presentations are theoretical but based on knowledge of savings accrued in similar circumstances. 

FINAL Regional Plan is now available (May, 2014)

Final Regional Plan for Sustainable Housing in Washington County is available here.

Washington County Sustainable Housing Work Team

Minutes of the Sustainable Housing Work Team meetings in Washington County are available for download here.