Healthy Communities Healthy Communities

Washington County Public Health Initiatives

Local Public Health Assessment Plan

Local Food in Washington County

Physical Activity Opportunities in Washington County

Washington County: One Community - our Healthy Maine Partnership (off-site link)

While the substance abuse statistics for Washington County can be discouraging it is critical to recognize that the problem is not unique to our region or our state. The difference between those communities and regions who change and/or thrive in the face of substance abuse is the support and involvement of the community. And on that score Washington County is demonstrating success.

Turkey-a-thon 2013The annual work plan for the Healthy Maine Partnership, Washington County: One Community (WC:OC), is replete with ideas, programs and policies to address the health disparities, food system gaps and substance abuse problems. Several of these programs are noted below (Implementation Already Occurring); they are supported through a whole variety of state and federal funding sources and WC:OC is continually seeking resources to continue or expand them.

Of equal significance to the success of these programs are the people – staff, volunteers, stakeholders – who participate in their communities. This participation includes schools, health care providers, parents, social service agencies, church and ecumenical organizations, food pantries, and those who provide technical support to businesses, residents and children; in short the entire community.

While the literature that provides program and policy recommendations for addressing problems of chronic disease, obesity, tobacco use, means of being physically active are often produced by State and Federal agencies, non-profits or educational institutions - the vast majority of their specific implementation measures are community-based.

Implementation Already Occurring

The programs of Washington County: One Community that reach out to youth and adults span the public health spectrum. They include: